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JAVA is one of the most pouplar programming languages for apps, learning it is easy

JAVA is one of the most pouplar programming languages for apps, learning it is easy

Popular programs in Java

What is BlueJ

If you have decided to learn Java, finding a resource that teaches you the fundamentals of this computer language may be overwhelming. You could buy or borrow a book, read an online tutorial or get help from a friend who's a programmer. Fortunately, there is also another option. Software developers from two different countries created BlueJ. This software helps beginners learn the intricacies of programming in a Java environment.

Ideal for assisting programmers that are just getting started, the software has all the necessities that you will need to learn Java. A virtual machine, compiler and built-in editor that uses both graphical and textual data is combined with a detailed instruction manual that you can download and refer to.

The software was developed by participants at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK and researchers associated with Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. Their combined programming skills led to the creation of this powerful software. It's clear that programming was done with an attention to detail so that the interface would create a positive working environment for users.

The software crew executed frequent bug fixes to change minor problems that have occurred with the code. These changes fixed many instability challenges reported by users.

If you are new to coding and want to give Java a try, BlueJ is an excellent place to begin. You will gain knowledge that will help you grasp the fundamentals of this popular programming language.


  • Perfect for programmers that are beginning to learn Java
  • The software has a smooth and clean interface
  • A detailed and fully featured environment makes learning Java easier


  • User manual is only included in PDF format
  • As with any software, instability issues have been known to occur